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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/11/23 We are either Going Forward, Standing Still, or Falling Behind Jerry Cleek N/A Gospel Meeting 11-11-23_PM_We_are_either_Going_Forward_Standing_Still_or_Falling_Behind.mp3
11/10/23 When Heaven Seems Silent Jerry Cleek N/A Gospel Meeting 11-10-23_PM_When_Heaven_Seems_Silent.mp3
11/05/23 Enoch: A Life of Consistency Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 11-05-23_AM_Enoch_-_A_Life_of_Consistency.mp3
10/29/23 The Christian's Attitude towards Death Kenny Owens N/A Sun AM 10-29-23_AM_The_Christians_Attitude_towards_Death.mp3
10/29/23 Personal Evangelism Kenny Owens N/A Sun PM 10-29-23_PM_Personal_Evangelism.mp3
10/22/23 Establishment of the Lord's Church Kenny Owens N/A Sun AM 10-22-23_AM_Establishment_of_the_Lords_Church.mp3
10/22/23 A Church Story Kenny Owens N/A Sun PM 10-22-23_PM_A_Church_Story.mp3
10/15/23 Nothing but a christian Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 10-15-23_AM_Nothing_but_a_christian.mp3
10/15/23 An Attitude that Hinders Spiritual Progress Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 10-15-23_PM_An_Attitude_that_Hinders_Spiritual_Progress.mp3
10/08/23 Are you prepared to meet God? Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 10-08-23_AM_Are_you_prepared_to_meet_God.mp3
10/08/23 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 10-08-23_PM_Blessed_are_the_meek_for_they_shall_inherit_the_earth.mp3
10/01/23 The Population of Hell Kenny Owens N/A Sun AM 10-01-23_The_Population_of_Hell.mp3
09/24/23 Are You Faithful Like Abel? Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 09-24-23_PM_Are_You_Faithful_Like_Abel.mp3
09/24/23 The Bible: The Only Rule of Faith or Creed Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 09-24-23_AM_The_Bible_-_The_Only_Rule_of_Faith_or_Creed.mp3
09/17/23 Have you lost it? Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 09-17-23_AM_Have_you_lost_it.mp3
09/17/23 Praise the Lord Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 09-17-23_PM_Praise_the_Lord.mp3
09/10/23 Glory in the Cross Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 09-10-23_PM_Glory_in_the_Cross.mp3
09/10/23 Backsliding: It Can Happen To Anyone Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 09-10-23_AM_Backsliding_-_It_Can_Happen_To_Anyone.mp3
09/03/23 The Importance of the Lord's Church Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 09-03-23_AM_The_Importance_of_the_Lords_Church.mp3
08/27/23 Why did Satan ask for Peter? Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 08-27-23_PM_Why_did_Satan_ask_for_Peter.mp3
08/27/23 Jesus Gives us Assurance Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 08-27-23_AM_Jesus_Gives_us_Assurance.mp3
08/20/23 The Reality of Resurrection Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 08-20-23_AM_The_Reality_of_Resurrection.mp3
08/20/23 Psalm 102 - Part 2 Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 08-20-23_PM_Psalm_102_-_Part_2.mp3
08/13/23 How am I Approaching God's Word? Brent Bishop N/A Sun AM 08-13-23_AM_How_am_I_Approaching_Gods_Word.mp3
08/13/23 Remember All His Benefits Brent Bishop N/A Sun PM 08-13-23_PM_Remember_All_His_Benefits.mp3

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